ProPivotal Team

ProPivotal Team

Annual NEHRA Gala

Benjamin Disraeli famously said “The youth of a nation are the trustees of posterity”, and the young women that were recipients of the NEHRA scholarships are a testament to the immense potential that youth have to make the world a…

Decoding the Dress Code

“Decoding the Dress Code” Ok – You’ve nailed the interview and you’ve landed your dream job. You want to make a good impression, but you’re a little bit (ok a lot a bit) lost when it comes to figuring out…

Your Job Postings Don’t Work

3 Reasons Your Job Postings Don’t Work Now, hear me out – there could be way more than 3 reasons why your postings are not working (spelling errors much?), but these are all too often overlooked and very easily fixed.…